Channel: Trent Palmer
Category: Autos & Vehicles
Tags: tailwheelplaneflightoshkoshtrent palmerfly archereaaevtolflight vlogflight trainingstolstudent pilotbush pilotaviationhelicopterfreedom foxoshkosh2019airventure 2018low and slowairventurepilotfreedomfoxtest flightelectric aircraftexperimental aircraftkitfoxairplane crashbush planeairventure2019landingkitfox aircraftflying cowboysinstructionairplaneflyingarcheroshkosh airventurefirst solo
Description: Huge thanks to Archer for inviting me out to witness this huge milestone of their first hover test flight with Maker! Make sure to follow Archer for all their real time progress on Instagram @FlyArcher and here on YouTube @Archer For more of my adventures follow me on instagram: For more shenanigans like this come be my wing man and join in the adventure: Elevate your videos with record-label quality music from Musicbed: - Use my coupon code TRENTPALMER at checkout to get your first month free when you purchase an annual Personal subscription. Facebook: